NIMPA History


NIMPA History

The Nairobi Institute of Music and Performing Arts (NIMPA) was founded under the visionary guidance of the Ministry of Education and the State Department of Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET).


NIMPA Milestones

a) The Beginnings 2015 - The formation of Nairobi Institute of Music and Performing Arts (NIMPA) started in the year 2015. This was necessitated by a need to develop a Music school to tap the talents of PCEA Zimmerman Youth and the adjacent community. The initial intention was to start a music school and later on expert advice the scope was expanded to include performing arts.

b) The Birth of NIMPA 2016 - A structured process for formation of the institution started in August 2016 when a draft concept was presented to PCEA Zimmerman Church Board of Management (CBM).

c) Kenyatta University Consultancy 2017 - Interim Board coordinated the development of three curriculums for Music, Theatre and Film courses at both the certificate and Diploma level using consultants from Kenyatta University.

d) TVET-A Accreditation 2017 – Acquired the “Technical and vocational Education and training act No. 29 of 2013” accreditation. Allowing NIMPA

e) NIMPA’s First- Ever Intake 2018– The college opened doors admitting students under the Musci, Film and Theatre Departments. Courses offered range from Diploma Courses, Certificates Courses and Short Courses

f) First Board Constitution 2019 - The First Board was constituted in January 2019. In addition, the Interim NIMPA Constitution was formulated and approved in September 2021.

g) NIMPA Inaugural Graduation Ceremony 2019 – NIMPA held its first Inaugural graduation Ceremony at the Kenya National Theatre.

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